The lasting positive ripples your tours and services create matter deeply. You empower communities, protect precious ecosystems, and inspire conscious travel. But reaching the right travellers in today's noisy social media world can feel overwhelming.

That's where Cerita comes in. We're a passionate team of storytellers, strategists, and travel enthusiasts who share your values for sustainable exploration. We're committed to helping like-minded travel businesses like yours cut through the noise and cultivate an engaged community of conscious travellers who fuel bookings and amplify your positive impact.

Let's elevate your impact through social media!

Sustainability-minded travel businesses:

Find out more 

Co-create your social media strategy with us and empower your team to become in-house social media champions! We’ll define your strategy together, put in place step-by-step processes, and deliver any training as needed so that your team can confidently manage your social media, driving bookings and amplifying your positive impact long after our project ends.

Social media strategy


Ditch generic stock photos. Our team of talented storytellers will craft eye-catching visuals and authentic videos that showcase your destinations, experiences, and values in a way that stops the scroll, sparks wanderlust, and inspires action from travellers who share your vision.

Content creation

THAt's me!

Focus on what you do best and leave the day-to-day hustle of social media to us. Our experienced community managers will seamlessly manage your social media presence, creating and sharing your content and building your thriving community of conscious travellers.

Social Media Management

You really helped me focus on the brand image and the brand messaging and that’s something that I've never had before trying to work with any consultant on social media marketing. If any of you are considering this and wondering whether it’s really worth it working with Valerie, it’s utterly worth it. Please just go ahead, sign her up!”

"“It was the most amazing experience that I’ve had working with a social media consultant.

Chamintha jayasinghe, co-founder, ayu in the wild

Working with Valerie was an eye opener on efficient content spreadsheets and social media organization. The system put in place helped me so much, I feel like I can fly with it. But loved the relationship built so could also keep working with her forever”

"Working with Valerie was an eye-opener

Nathalie GrolimUND, CO-FOUNDER, Rethink travel

Other wins include the huge increase in engagement. The interest in my brand from people that matter - people who will book retreats. Lots of new interesting future retreat locations and respect from my peers!"

"The biggest win has been working with you to reposition Reclaim in the responsible travel sector 



Let's chat about your goals, unique audience, and how we can help you tell powerful stories, build engaged communities, and amplify your impact using social media marketing.